Are You Finally Ready To Learn Chess Now That You Are Retired? 4 Tips To Improve Your Game Fast With Lessons

Retirement gives you the time and energy to finally focus on achieving things that had to sit on the back burner while you focused on your career. Chess is a game that is played throughout the world, and you'll find that being able to play gives you an easy way to socialize with other people. A game of chess is a great way to pass the time with your family, or you may even join a chess group that is made up of other retirees. Either way, making progress fast helps you to stay motivated to achieve your goal, and these four tips will quickly have you wrapping up games with a checkmate that fills you with pride.

Choose Online Lessons

You might be retired, but that doesn't mean that you aren't still busy. Choose online chess lessons that allow you to practice the game during times that are convenient to you. You'll also find it easy to maintain your practice schedule during vacations and other times when you might not be able to make it to a traditional in-person class.

Take Your Time

New chess players often get over eager. While a move may seem like the smartest one, it is better to take a moment to fully think about how it may play out. Remember that your goal is not just to get their king, but to also protect all of your playing pieces. That double check is often what helps you win the game.

Play Every Chance You Get

Once you learn the rules, you'll find that playing chess generates a sense of both excitement and relaxation. Try to recruit a few of your friends to also take chess lessons online so that you can play together when you aren't taking formal instruction. You can also look for chess groups in your area or online that allow you to practice with other people who range in their level of expertise and experience. 

Review Every Game You Play

There is a lesson to be learned from every loss. The same can be said for when you win a game. Try to allot a little extra time after your chess games to go over what happened. Did you make a rash move that cost you your king? Or, do you feel like you messed up your opening? Consider keeping a journal that you can log the results of each game in so that you don't forget the lessons that you learn from your practice sessions. You can also use this information to ask questions of your online chess instructor that help them know how to tailor your instruction to help you learn.
