Party Tent Rental Tips For Music Festival Planners

Planning a music festival is quite an endeavor! Your main priorities are probably reserving a venue, booking bands, and selling tickets. However, there is another aspect of planning that probably deserves more attention than you are giving it: renting the party tents. These tents will provide shelter in case of poor weather, serve as places for guests to sit when they eat, and so forth. The tents you rent and where you rent them matter, so follow these tips for success.

1. Make sure they can be dropped off well in advance.

There will be numerous things you need to set up under the tents. You will need to set up supplies for the bands under one tent and maybe some tables and chairs under another. Make sure your tent rental company can deliver and set up the tents at least two or three days prior to the start of the event. This gives you more of a chance to set up items under the tent rather than having to rush.

2. Rent more tents than you think you need.

If you think you need three tents, plan on renting at least four. If you think you need four, rent five. Often, there will be a surprise need for an additional tent. You might realize that you can't fit as many tables under one tent as you thought or that one of the bands has extra equipment they need covered. You can set this extra tent up in a neutral spot so that as the need arises, you can use it. Many tent rental companies also offer a discount if you rent more than a certain number of tents, so renting an extra might help you qualify for this deal.

3. Check for leaks before the tent rental company leaves.

Sometimes, tears and holes get overlooked, especially if they are small in size. Look over each tent yourself once they are assembled but before the tent rental representative leaves. If you do see a hole, ask the rental company to give you a different tent. It's not worth risking a leak if there's a rainstorm during the show.

If you follow these tips, you will have a better experience renting tents, and your patrons will have a better experience at your music festival. Contact a rental company near you to learn more about reserving tents for your upcoming music festival.
